Always on the hunt…



They’re running out of room to pile this stuff up when they plow and it’s only the middle of January.

WordPress automatically installs a new default theme every year. And every year, WordPress yells at me for the security risk of having an inactive theme—which is last year’s automatically installed default theme.

You made that mess, WordPress, YOU clean it up. (Yes, I know there are a multitude of reasons why WP doesn’t automatically delete the old themes, but still, stop making your programming my problem to fix please and thank you.)

I’ve been doing more clean up on the back end of my domain. There were several subdomains I had created for various purposes and then never actually used for anything. They were just cluttering up my file manager anytime I wanted to upload files and they all had WordPress installs so there were literally thousands of files (for each one) sitting there for absolutely no reason. I purged all of those unused subdomains and now things are a little more tidy. I also spent time poking around the subdomains I did use (and subsequently abandoned) wondering if there was anything worth salvaging, but I think those are pipe dreams better left to the archives. There’s also a lot of bugs happening with those WP installs because something got borked with several subdomains somewhere along the line and I’m not versed enough in anything useful to figure out what the problem is. All the more reason to leave them tucked away in the corner I suppose.

I’m not sure if this is helping my dire need for creative outlets to fill the void left by lack of writing, or if it’s just making matters worse. As I was digging around in all these background areas, I kept thinking I should create a new subdomain (just got rid of a bunch, why not make more?) so I can use it for posting random commentary on pointless things and it took me far too long to realize that THIS BLOG EXISTS FOR EXACTLY THAT REASON. I just haven’t been using it for that as often as I used to because……reasons.

So if you’re wondering how well my brain is not functioning at this point in time, there you go.


Blame grief. I blame a lot on grief lately. Because grief. Blame January, the snow, the ice dam, the news, everything else that keeps hurtling at my face like those deadly red rubber balls from elementary school dodge ball firing squads.


I have been feeling the unexpected urge to post random nonsense around these parts a lot lately, so maybe that will actually bear fruit.

Or maybe not.

Who knows.

LA Devotee
Panic! At the Disco

Something to say?