Don’t fight it…

Last night when we went to bed there was thunder and lightning and pouring rain.

Around dinner time tonight it started doing the same thing.

Within an hour or so…

Last I saw they’re predicting anywhere between four and ten inches around the Metro area. Guess March is going out like a lion this year. We’re supposed to finally hit fifty degrees next week, so however much we do get isn’t going to last, but might as well pile on more to the mountains in the meantime. Parts of the state have been preemptively sand-bagging and bracing for massive flooding because we’re in the eighth snowiest winter on record and the rivers are ready to overcompensate for being at record low levels during last year’s drought. Maybe Minnesota will just be the Land of One Big Lake now.

I was reading an article about sand-bagging efforts recently and someone was quoted as saying that it was so unusual to have snow on the ground at this point and I had to stop and reread the statement several times to make sure that’s what it said. Maybe it was a misquote or that wasn’t what he meant or I just misread it multiple times because that is a thing that I do, but in what universe is there not snow on the ground in March in Minnesota? This piece of confusion stuck in my head far longer than I care to admit.


Back to listening to the new Fall Out Boy album on repeat…

Love From the Other Side
Fall Out Boy

Something to say?