30 Days of Blogging…Day 25…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 25: Your Day, in Great Detail… Today specifically? Or an average day in the life of me? Regardless…I am amused. Because describing my day in great detail could very well be the most boring blog post of all time. I’m just being honest. The Average Day in the Life of Me… Bob’s alarm goes off at 5:00…AM. He hits snooze two or three times before he gets out of bed,… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 25…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 12…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 12: Something You are OCD Obsessive About… Correcting questionable meme wording. I hate it when people claim to be “OCD” about things when they don’t actually have OCD. If I had OCD, I would probably find it a little offensive to hear people throw the term around so freely. Much like when I hear people throw around the phrase “I’m really ADD about…” I find it incredibly irritating. Being that… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 12…

Cut from a magazine…

I’m down to the last few pills of Strattera. Which means I have been on this med for two months now. I was supposed to give it four to six weeks to see results. The results of this prescription? THERE ARE NONE. Failed prescription number SEVEN. I don’t currently have an appointment scheduled with my psychiatrist. I keep forgetting to call. I’ll need to make one before the month is over because I’m out of… Keep reading…Cut from a magazine…


So many nights I go to bed, fall asleep, wake up, look at the clock, and want to cry. It’s only been a couple of hours since I fell asleep and it feels like it should be so much later. I’m so bloody tired I just want to sleep…I just can’t. Most nights I force myself to stay in bed. I toss and turn, straighten out the blankets, flip my pillows for a cool spot,… Keep reading…Clockwatching…

How do you always seem to know just when to call?

I had something planned to write about. And then I lost it. This is nothing new. It’s just obnoxious. I’ve been spending some quality time getting to know my new(ish) Home Design program. This is my 3D Home Architect replacement, since that one is not compatible with Windows 7. I actually got this program shortly after I got my new computer, I just haven’t really used it since then. But with a new story in… Keep reading…How do you always seem to know just when to call?

Lighting up the wrong way…

I read this article posted today over on BlogHer and it really irked me. It really rubbed me the wrong way. I want to comment on it, but I can’t come up with something that is (a.) coherent and (b.) not bitchy. Part B is the really difficult part. Can Pills Make You Smarter? … People are taking ADHD drugs despite not having ADHD to give them an “edge” so-to-speak. And I want to start… Keep reading…Lighting up the wrong way…