Run for the hills before they burn…

May. Week…something… 115 It’s Week 115. I had an entire post written, edited it a few dozen times, walked away from it, came back, deleted all of it. Because reasons. I thought I had a few dozen other things to write about, but every time I open this stupid draft it all just goes out the window. Etch-a-Sketch Brain for the mother fucking win. It’s Memorial Day Weekend. Bob took an extra day off so… Keep reading…Run for the hills before they burn…

An ordinary Wednesday night…

And by ordinary I mean, it’s some late hour in the middle of the night and I’m not sleeping. Week 111…ish… It’s the end of April. Weather keeps swinging between hoodie weather and sub-freezing in 24 to 48 hour periods as Minnesota is wont to do. I recently had to be out of the house three days in a row and every single day it was pouring rain and snowing at the same time. It… Keep reading…An ordinary Wednesday night…

Emotionally overrun…

I try to keep up with current events in the news so I have at least some idea of what’s going on in the world, but it can really take a harsh toll on my mental health. Especially as of late with the rapidly approaching election and the terrifying prospect of a horrific, degenerate psychopath becoming our next president. Instead… Things that are good… 1.) We ordered new blinds for all of our windows. (All… Keep reading…Emotionally overrun…