The First Supper…

Since moving into our house, Bob and I have been particularly good about making dinner at home and not eating out. Off the top of my head I can only think of two occurrences and one of those was the day we moved. We’d been eating out a lot in the weeks leading up to moving. And we ate out probably once a week on a regular basis before that. Having our own kitchen is… Keep reading…The First Supper…


On the last two grocery shopping trips I’ve been accumulating baking supplies. On the vanilla extract box there is a recipe for frosting that is easy to make and I had every ingredient for. So I made it. Because I wanted it. And then realized I didn’t really have anything to put it on……other than a spoon. So I tried saltine crackers. Which sounds odd sure, but it was a nice combination of salty and… Keep reading…Frosted…

Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Pasta…

I don’t know much about cooking, but once I have my own kitchen, I’m determined to experiment and learn. Right now we make good use of canned cream of chicken soup and its like, but I want to learn to make sauces from scratch, just because they taste so much better. Frankly—I’m not that hell bent on completely eliminating the chemicals and preservatives in absolutely everything—some stuff in moderation is NOT. GOING. TO. KILL. ME…. Keep reading…Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Pasta…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 21…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 21: A Recipe… Champps Americana is one of my favorite restaurants. More specifically, I LOVE their waffle fries and seasoned sour cream. I could make an entire meal out of JUST THAT. Some time ago, I Googled for a recipe to replicate their seasoned sour cream. I found one, but when I saved it, apparently I didn’t save the source. I have no idea where I originally found it so… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 21…