Everything collides…

If I dug deep enough through the archives, I could probably find a good half dozen times I’ve written about this before. (Let’s be realistic, there’s probably far more than that.) (Effin Birds by Aaron Reynolds) Listen, Bird… Here’s a peek into my demented brain. Whenever I write about writing, my brain is constantly telling me DON’T REVEAL TOO MANY DETAILS about whatever story I’m talking about. Like somebody might stumble across the post and… Keep reading…Everything collides…

Don’t overthink it…

I keep trying to start posts and then I get about three lines in and…ech. Delete. Come back later. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. We are in the middle of a four-day weekend. Bob’s company started closing for MLK Day in recent years and he took Tuesday off to use up some time. It’s nice to have a long weekend when we’re not sick since our Christmas vacation was tainted. Plague Update: Still coughing three weeks later…. Keep reading…Don’t overthink it…

Just a certain extent…

I moved around a bunch of directories on my domain, broke every single image link, ran some mySQL scripts to fix it (scripts? queries? code?), changed a few more directories, ran a separate plugin to fix that, entered the wrong information that I couldn’t undo and had to manually fix a few dozen posts, then manually updated every single post to get the featured images to update properly. I combed through two defunct subdomains that… Keep reading…Just a certain extent…

It ain’t nothin’ new…

…) Every time writing sinks to critical mass for an extended period, my brain starts grappling for some other kind of creative outlet to latch onto. New websites that never see the light of day, new craft projects that won’t get finished, buying new books that won’t get read, filling wishlists on Amazon with things associated with stories that I will never buy. I’ve been tweaking a lot of things behind the scenes with my… Keep reading…It ain’t nothin’ new…

Maybe not so much…

Brain Dump: Writing About Writing… Every time I think I have successfully refocused my brain to work on a given story, Basil leans on my shoulder all, Yeah proud of you, but how ’bout this one? But he doesn’t usually have any sort of useful inspiration to offer for working on that one, but it’s enough of a distraction to derail what focus I had on the other one and the cycle begins anew. I… Keep reading…Maybe not so much…

Just moments moving sideways…

June. Summer. FEH. …) We held out until Memorial Day to turn on the A/C. It had been in the 80’s for several days in a row, but the humidity never seemed to get above 25% and the nights still dropped into the 50’s so the house did not feel like a sweltering hellscape. The humidity was still low when we flipped the switch, but it was 85 degrees outside and that was going to… Keep reading…Just moments moving sideways…