Wrecking ball came crashing through…

1.) WordPress updated to version 4.0. I haven’t found anything significantly FUBAR’d…yet. I’m sure I’ll find it soon enough. Because there is always something. (And I still haven’t figured out how to fix the formatting of the “now playing” line since WP FUBAR’d that.) 2.) This morning as the neighbors were loading into the car to go to school, I noticed the mother speaking at a human volume with a pleasant tone. Then I realized… Keep reading…Wrecking ball came crashing through…

Scratch ticket lottery…

Do you have any idea what it’s like to walk down the hallway in the dark in the middle of the night and find a Tonberry in your path? Way more disturbing than it should be for a foot-tall stuffed animal. It’s after three in the morning. My mind is racing on a million different things. I might be starting to get a little bit tired, but it’s only fitting that sleep is giving me… Keep reading…Scratch ticket lottery…