30 Days of Blogging…Day 25…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 25: Your Day, in Great Detail… Today specifically? Or an average day in the life of me? Regardless…I am amused. Because describing my day in great detail could very well be the most boring blog post of all time. I’m just being honest. The Average Day in the Life of Me… Bob’s alarm goes off at 5:00…AM. He hits snooze two or three times before he gets out of bed,… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 25…

Counting up the years…

When someone is burning a candle downstairs and they put it out at night, the smell of the smoldering wick makes it all the way into our bedroom. Never smell the candle while it’s burning, but when it’s extinguished…there it is. Like right now. And for the past ten minutes or so. People checking into Foursquare drive me batty. Let’s tell the world where you are at all times! More specifically, let’s tell the world… Keep reading…Counting up the years…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 21…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 21: A Recipe… Champps Americana is one of my favorite restaurants. More specifically, I LOVE their waffle fries and seasoned sour cream. I could make an entire meal out of JUST THAT. Some time ago, I Googled for a recipe to replicate their seasoned sour cream. I found one, but when I saved it, apparently I didn’t save the source. I have no idea where I originally found it so… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 21…