Always spinning…

February. January is always such a slog, but February has far too much baggage attached to it. Mech. At the beginning of the week, I opened the bedroom blinds and thought, why do things look so…orange-y? The sun was shining for the first time in…weeks? And it came back every day all week long. It’s been a nice change from all the gray and brown. I mean, it’s still completely brown out there because there… Keep reading…Always spinning…

Twittered out…

I gave up on Facebook almost two years ago. It was getting increasingly more difficult to filter out the shit I didn’t want to see and instead of fighting with the ever-changing (largely non-functional) settings of the site, it was just easier to STOP. It was a fantastic decision. I don’t miss it in the least. Sure I have no idea what’s going on with people I actually know, but really, if they miss me… Keep reading…Twittered out…

Let it all come out…

Every time I write about writing, I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading and rereading the post looking for reasons not to post it. I start and stop and tab out to another website, or another program entirely, and wait another day or two before reading the post again. It’s a very choppy, ADHD-esque process. I do a lot of the same starting and stopping and tabbing out to other screens when I’m writing… Keep reading…Let it all come out…

Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen! Watchout!

Java Update is the Navi of software updates. JU: Hey! Java Update. Me: Not right now. Busy. JU: HEY! Java Update! Me: Later, please. JU: HEY! HEY! JAVA UPDATE! Me: For the love of—I said, LATER. JU: HEYJAVAUPDATE! YOU SHOULD UPDATE JAVA ZOMGRIGHTNAO BEFORE SUMONE DIES ZOMG!!!!1!!!!111! Me: FINE. Do your fucking update already. JU: This software is already installed. Me: Jezuz H. Roman are you effing kidding me? JU: Yahoo Toolbar? —

In the morning they were wrong…

I am in dire need of a hair cut. My shortest layer is almost touching my shoulders. If I comb my hair straight, it probably is touching my shoulders by now. And the longest is far beyond my shoulders. This is the longest my hair has been in several years. It is driving me absolutely batty. I just can’t seem to get my ass out the door to get it cut. There is a Fantastic… Keep reading…In the morning they were wrong…