Swish swish stab…

It’s December 22nd (technically it’s the 23rd because it’s after midnight now, but for the sake of argument and the fact that I haven’t gone to bed yet, we’ll say it’s the 22nd and run with it). I was supposed to have my wedding thank you notes done to send out with my Christmas cards.

I haven’t done either.

I’m playing the ADHD card and sending them all out late.

I haven’t even put up my little Christmas tree. It’s barely two feet tall and takes all of five minutes to set up, but I can’t even get that done. Considering it’s two days until Christmas, I’m not going to bother. I pulled out the string of lights I usually put on the tree and strung them across the bulletin board and over top of the bedroom door and called it a day. At least I have my Christmas lights. I also have a new Christmas Snoopy I picked up at Walgreens one day when we were there to pick up a round of prescription refills. It was hard to pass up an illuminated Snoopy. He has a little LED in his nose that cycles through a rainbow of colors. He’s all shiny and glowy. That’s the extent of my Christmas decorating this year. My head is just not in it.

Next year. Next year will be different. We will be in our own place. We will buy a bigger tree. We will decorate our home for Christmas. We’ll have the space to do it.

In the meantime, as I slog my way out of being completely lost inside my own head, I’ve been listening to my Red vs Blue soundtrack practically on repeat.

And then I repeat these two songs a few more times after listening to the album in its entirety. Because they are awesome.

(I Say Ooh by Jeff Williams & Sandy Casey)

(Your Best Friend by Michael J. Caboose)

Something to say?