
I have a number of posts sitting in drafts right now, unfinished and unposted. I can’t seem to complete them for one reason or another. There are a number of things I’ve been trying to or wanting to write about, but they’re just not coming out properly. (I actually started writing this post on May 26th.)

There are so many things to do around the house. They’re getting done little by little. And there’s really no real rush to get them done, but I feel like I should be doing more every day that I’m not doing…everything.

We’ve been furniture shopping, found a set we liked, and are in debate of whether or not we’re ready to order it (and which pieces we want). Or if we want to get other furniture first.

Later this week somebody is FINALLY coming to look at the water damaged window that is supposed to be fixed on the seller’s dime. We had to send a ranty email that it was LEAKING during a rainstorm to light a fire under someone’s ass. We’ll see how long it takes to get anything more done.

Tuesday we have our final walk-through with the landlord of the old house. I have a feeling he’s going to be a holy-royal clusterfuck about it because—well, he has been up until this point. I’ll either end up telling him to go fuck himself, or bite clean through my tongue trying not to. But we’ll finally be DONE with him and Bob and I will no longer have to deal with landlords, ever.

I have an extensive list of bookmarked recipe blogs and I’ve been trying to come up with new dinner ideas now that we have free reign of our own kitchen. I’m finding that I have a lot of dessert blogs bookmarked. Hmm…we can eat cookies for dinner every night, can’t we?

I still haven’t made any of the phone calls I need to make. This is going to bite me in the ass very soon.

Someday our weekends will return to slothing around the Bear Cave. I’m getting sick and tired of going places and doing things.

We made quesadillas for dinner last night. The smoke detector did not go off once. Quite unlike the old house where it went off CONSTANTLY every time we made quesadillas—or anybody cooked anything pretty much. Properly placed smoke detector for the mother-fucking-WIN.

It’s supposedly 81 degrees outside right now. And there’s been rain. Which probably means it’s humid as all hell too. Ew. We have the windows closed and the A/C is not turned on. I’m sitting here in a hoodie and I’m cold. I freaking LOVE this house.

Something to say?