
I need to stop writing “Closing” on my calendar. Every time I do—something comes along to fuck it all up. We had two bad rain storms and nothing leaked. Torrential downpour, scary high winds, can’t see out the windows, bad rain storms. Nothing. Leaked. So we had someone scheduled to come fix the wall—tear out the rest of the damaged drywall, put in new insulation, check for mold, fresh plastic, fresh drywall, tape seams, paint,… Keep reading…Jinxed…

I’ll do this my way now…

I am stressed to high heaven about closing and the window mess. We have an official closing date of August 12th. WE HAVE AN OFFICIAL CLOSING DATE OF AUGUST TWELFTH. And the deadline to get the FHA appraisal is July 26th. That means the deadline to have the window/wall fixed is July 25th. That means people have ONE WEEK to get their shit together. There’s been a storm of emails today between our agent, the… Keep reading…I’ll do this my way now…

As the Window Leaks…

When we first looked at this house on our search, the only thing we didn’t like about it was the water damaged window and wall around it. When we came back to it to consider writing an offer on it, we figured as long as the window and wall were fixed at the seller’s expense, we’d be golden. There had been an ice dam (though no one can seem to remember what year) in the… Keep reading…As the Window Leaks…


Caribou got rid of their Wildberry smoothies. Caribou? I am highly disappointed in you. Bob and I have been making our own smoothies at home now that we have our own kitchen. And I’m sure ours are healthier than Caribou’s recipe. We bought a ten-pound bag of frozen strawberries and a four-pound tub of plain yogurt* at Costco. We’ll be getting probably a couple dozen smoothies out of that for roughly the price of three… Keep reading…Smooth…ies…

Dump Bars…

I made Dump Bars. You heard me. I know, nothing with the word “Dump” in the title sounds at all appetizing, but really, what’s in a name? I don’t have many memories of my maternal grandmother as she died when I was six years old. But I do remember some of her recipes. I’ve always remembered Dump Bars because of their unfortunate name. But I couldn’t quite remember their look or taste as it has… Keep reading…Dump Bars…