Flip on that switch…

I made cheese burger macaroni for dinner. Or hotdish in a skillet. Because this is Minnesota. It’s pretty much homemade hamburger helper. I had an inspiration recipe and then changed most of it to fit my liking. Because there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I’m using a pound of Velveeta in anything I cook. Gag. Turned out pretty well for an experiment. Bob liked it, so that’s one for the victory column. — Light… Keep reading…Flip on that switch…

Everyone’s running…

My house smells like bacon. Because bacon. I made bacon, egg, and cheese paninis for dinner. I had eggs that needed to get used and we bought real bacon (thick-cut even) recently. We rarely buy real bacon. We have a supply of turkey bacon in the freezer. It tastes okay…bacon-ish…but it’s just not the same. Every time we have it I feel like I’m being cheated. I also made pumpkin banana bread. So my house… Keep reading…Everyone’s running…

What it would take…

Trying to blog. Can’t blog. … I’ve started and deleted about four posts already here tonight. I have a number of things to write about, but my mind is an extra special puddle of mush right now. … I made Southwest Eggrolls for dinner tonight. I haven’t made them in awhile so they tasted pretty damn good. I added a can of pinto beans with the black beans to give it more “meat.” Turned out… Keep reading…What it would take…

Someday I will live on a human time clock…

…today is not “someday.” I just don’t even pretend that I am capable of keeping a sleep schedule that somewhat resembles human anymore. I made bacon on Friday. We always make bacon in the oven because it is much easier and far less messy than cooking on the stove top. I was mixing real bacon with turkey bacon and despite cooking at a lower temperature (for less time) I somehow managed to burn some of… Keep reading…Someday I will live on a human time clock…

Falling off the face of your world…

WordPress, I would appreciate it if you would let me finish typing my post title before you generate the post URL. Plzkthxby. I’ve been awake since about 3AM. Because clearly I only need four hours of sleep during the night. I did a quarter mile on the elliptical this morning after Bob left for work. I did the same distance yesterday. It’s piddly, I know. But I am so severely out of shape, my legs… Keep reading…Falling off the face of your world…