The trench is dug…

I am incessantly ornery. It’s July. We all know how I feel about July. Our bedroom is consistently eighty degrees or hotter depending on how hot it is outside and sometimes I wonder if the lone air vent under our Giant Window of Western Exposure is actually connected to the rest of the HVAC system in our Tiny House of Three Windows That Open. If you stand directly on top of it when the A/C… Keep reading…The trench is dug…

What it would take…

Trying to blog. Can’t blog. … I’ve started and deleted about four posts already here tonight. I have a number of things to write about, but my mind is an extra special puddle of mush right now. … I made Southwest Eggrolls for dinner tonight. I haven’t made them in awhile so they tasted pretty damn good. I added a can of pinto beans with the black beans to give it more “meat.” Turned out… Keep reading…What it would take…