Chances Are…

My senior year of high school I started writing a story I eventually titled Chances Are. I put a lot of work into planning it, but I didn’t make too much progress on the actual writing. Then I graduated from high school, quit my job at Menards, and spent five months on a hiatus from productivity. In those fives months, I worked on that story. I wrote. I planned. I spent time working on it… Keep reading…Chances Are…

Stumble till you drop…

Someday I will have something to write about other than the damn wall and the Mystery Leak That Better Be Fucking Solved. Today is not someday. We’ve gotten as far as a coat of primer on the wall. And the ceiling has been sprayed. Kid Construction said he’d be back later today to paint. He was over an hour late this morning, so we’ll see if he shows up anytime near when he said he… Keep reading…Stumble till you drop…

Head? Meet Desk…part 2

Sitting in the loft, Bob overheard the following conversation from the living room: Kid Construction: I suppose we could do the ceiling first. Kid’s Partner: Don’t you need to put insulation up there first? Kid Construction: Oh yeah. I didn’t even notice that. Eh? So Bob started watching from his high vantage point. Kid Construction then proceeded to stuff wall insulation in the ceiling. Now, we know insulation is insulation, as long as you use… Keep reading…Head? Meet Desk…part 2

Head? Meet Desk…

So we found out yesterday that the wall needs to be fixed by MONDAY. We were originally told the 10th. That loses us 2 days. So Bob was playing phone-tag half the day trying to get things lined up for this weekend with the kid who’s going to fix the wall. I say “kid” because I’m pretty sure he’s barely old enough to drive much less be reconstructing the wall and gaping hole in my… Keep reading…Head? Meet Desk…


I worked for a property management company for nine years. Most of those years were a fiery pit of Hell On Earth. But despite the toxic environment and the fact that I worked in the accounting department (as opposed to the property management department) I picked up a few things about renting and the rules that apply. The last place we lived was the very first time I ever signed my name to a lease…. Keep reading…Legalese…

Lay low, be ready…

This makes absolutely no sense. But I’m not rewriting it again. On Saturday Bob and I went to my sister’s house for my Ellie’s birthday. My baby Ellie is EIGHT. My babies are no longer babies. And I feel very old. As we were heading home, there was A LOT of lightning all over the sky. No rain, no thunder, but endless lightning. We figured it was the horrible heat and humidity creating heat lightning…. Keep reading…Lay low, be ready…