Sleepless in the bear cave…

Sometime around 4 or 5 yesterday I started to notice a headache creeping in. When Bob got home from work we had errands to run and grabbed Potbelly Sandwiches for dinner. In the middle of Target the pain started getting worse. By the time we were halfway through Costco, I was feeling terribly nauseous and the pain was teetering on the unbearable. I took three Aleve when we got home and collapsed on a bean… Keep reading…Sleepless in the bear cave…

Never comes out right…

I’ve been trying to get some writing done. I’m pretty sure half the posts for the last six months or more have started with that line, or some variation thereof. I’ve been jumping from project to project all over the place and I have this notion in my head that I need to pick one project and stick with it. It’s not a crazy notion by any means. I just can’t decide which project I… Keep reading…Never comes out right…