Never comes out right…

I’ve been trying to get some writing done.

I’m pretty sure half the posts for the last six months or more have started with that line, or some variation thereof.

I’ve been jumping from project to project all over the place and I have this notion in my head that I need to pick one project and stick with it.

It’s not a crazy notion by any means. I just can’t decide which project I want to pick up and stick with.

There are currently…eight different options on my list of possibilities. And then I dredged up another long buried idea that I had completely forgotten about.


Nine story project ideas to choose from.

That can’t be normal.

Or healthy.

So which do I choose?

Each possibility begs to be chosen for a different reason. Each one has something different that keeps me stabbing at it.

Making decisions is not my strong suit.

So I keep opening and closing files. Tapping out a few words here and there. And generally just staring at the directory housing all of these projects, not making any progress at all.

Pretty much the story of my life.

No pun intended.

And as I look over my writing folders, I realize I should probably start using a naming scheme that actually makes sense, instead of code names for everything. Code names that eventually even I have no idea what they were supposed to mean after all this time.

But what’s the fun in that?

Something to say?