Sleepless in the bear cave…

Sometime around 4 or 5 yesterday I started to notice a headache creeping in. When Bob got home from work we had errands to run and grabbed Potbelly Sandwiches for dinner. In the middle of Target the pain started getting worse. By the time we were halfway through Costco, I was feeling terribly nauseous and the pain was teetering on the unbearable.

I took three Aleve when we got home and collapsed on a bean bag with an icepack to my skull. I only stayed there for about fifteen minutes before I went to crash in bed about 9:00. I figured I’d lay there until the drugs took the edge off. I woke up when Bob came to bed at 11:00.

I stared into the void until sometime after midnight when I gave up on trying to get back to sleep and got out of bed.

I’ve been awake ever since.

I started to hit a wall right about the time Bob’s alarm went off around 7:00. So I figured I might as well stay up and see him off to work and then maybe crawl into bed.

I’m still awake.

The pain is gone but faint traces of pressure drift in and out and I still feel a bit wonky in a post-migraine-ech kind of way. But that could very well just be the sleep deprivation at work.

I did my time on the elliptical. And I figure now I’ll hit the shower and venture down to the kitchen.

I have dishes to wash. A dishwasher to empty. Fruit and vegetables to cut up for freezing. A freezer to rearrange. Dinner to plan and make. And I might feel ambitious enough to try baking some bread. We’ll see on that one.

If I accomplish about half of what I want to in the kitchen, that should last me until Bob gets home from work. Then I’ll just need to keep myself awake until bedtime. And hopefully I’ll sleep tonight.

But I’m not holding my breath on that one.

Something to say?