I’ve been trying to survive…

I have plenty to write about. I just can’t seem to get it written. My brain is not functional. … Joe and Gayle got married on Saturday. Fun times were had. My brother now has stepkids in their 20’s. … Did a lot of (terrible) dancing at the reception. I can still barely walk because I am ridiculously out of shape. Stairs are evil. … I have 19 days to get everything done for our… Keep reading…I’ve been trying to survive…

Still here we are…

Anytime I hear Bob Seger’s We’ve Got Tonight I think of the episode of Cheers when Rebecca gets really drunk the night before she’s supposed to marry Robin and sings the song to Sam, trying to seduce him. The next day she doesn’t remember a thing until Sam gets the Righteous Brother Robin hired to sing We’ve Got Tonight and jogs her memory. I haven’t seen that show in YEARS. I wonder if I’d still… Keep reading…Still here we are…

Crazy would be changing your mind…

I had this whole post planned out in my head waxing analytical and poetic about the state of my brain when it comes to making decisions and blah, blah, blah. Then it got really long and drawn-out and it missed the point entirely of what I really wanted to say. I had a pipe dream about a road trip. Then I got nudged by a couple of completely fantastic friends about said pipe dream. And… Keep reading…Crazy would be changing your mind…

Wrapped up in silence…

Writer’s block has been kicking my ass lately. I have four projects I’ve been stabbing at and I haven’t been making much of any progress on any of them. At least nothing that doesn’t sound like crap when I read it back again. I’m not really surprised by this development. But it doesn’t make it any less aggravating. I’ve been listening to the Ben & Marina soundtrack in hopes of sparking some inspiration on that… Keep reading…Wrapped up in silence…

Back to what we had…

The fixation continues. I am far too easily amused by watching my Last.fm top ten shift around. Or rather, at this point, it’s the top four and there are 28 plays standing between numbers three and four. That’s just one master playlist worth of listening for the upset. I’m tempted to listen to some Train specifically to keep them in the lead, but the obsessive whack job easily fascinated part of my mushy brain will… Keep reading…Back to what we had…