
And then Bob came home from work carrying dinner. And with the news that he has the entire next week off from work for my birthday and Thanksgiving. Spoiled? Yes. Yes I am. We also have an appointment Tuesday to get my car fixed so it is safely drivable again. Though we’ll still need to figure out when we’re going to get the bumper fixed. I should probably get that post written about our trip… Keep reading…Spoiled…


There is a wide spectrum of foods called “Pinwheels.” Some savory, some sweet, they are all some sort of rolled-up concoction. With the exception of Pinwheel Cookies—which, admittedly, is usually where my mind first goes when I hear Pinwheel. Chocolate-covered marshmallow on a cookie…I’ll take it. Anyway. These Pinwheels are a savory appetizer-type food. I don’t remember where or when I had my first Pinwheel, but it was good. I didn’t ever make them myself… Keep reading…Pinwheels…