Need to break out…

Spam comments trying to sell me Cymbalta. OH. FUCK. NO. I was on Cymbalta once. Once. That shit set me back so far it was like I’d never make any progress at all. Also it killed my sex drive to the point that the mere mention of the act made me want to scream and sob uncontrollably. I wish I was exaggerating. ANYWAY. I was showered and dressed by 8:30 this morning. (On a SATURDAY!)… Keep reading…Need to break out…

Out there in between…

It’s odd…when I was looking for things to get for Bob for his birthday, my only hang up was what to get him. Once I figured some things out, it wasn’t difficult to spend the money. Buying something for my husband, I barely thought twice. I have a folder currently sitting on my desktop titled “wishlist.” It has pictures and a text file of links to things I’ve been considering buying for myself for my… Keep reading…Out there in between…

Might get it right…

Had a dream last night about a current story project. It’s a bizarre thing to me when I dream about my writing. I guess in part because I am actually seeing the characters I have wandering aimlessly around in my head. There wasn’t anything earth-shattering that happened in the dream (it was pretty mundane compared to most), but seeing a character that is often muddled for me to picture…it left a residual feeling behind that… Keep reading…Might get it right…

Superficial intuition…

I have decided I’m going to buy myself things for my birthday this year. I don’t ask for or expect things for my birthday. I’m not one of those women with the bullshit sense of entitlement, who expects and demands my husband to shower me with all my material desires for every occasion, and then gets all bent when he doesn’t give me what I want. Bob buys me things I want all year round…. Keep reading…Superficial intuition…

Almost easy…

It appears the Twitter widget in the sidebar has stopped working. WTF, Twitter? W. T. F? Also, the text on my website seems to be displaying differently on this computer. Either that or I’m just crazy. Or both. I usually skim the spam comments before I mass-delete them. The filter has never caught a legitimate comment, but sometimes the spam is almost coherent and occasionally amusing. In the last batch someone begged me to update… Keep reading…Almost easy…


My laptop is dead. Bob set up shop to see what could be done, did some googling of symptoms and found a probable cause of the machine’s demise. There is a known problem with heat causing the soldering to come loose on the graphics chip and once that gets knocked out of place, there’s really no fixing it. The tumble the laptop took off the ottoman, while not severe, was probably enough to knock loose… Keep reading…Figures…