Brand new face…

It’s April 1st.

We’ll just pretend the 1st doesn’t really exist because people are somehow even more unfathomably stupid and gullible every gad damn year on this date and I just want them all to go away.

Right then.

Last week we hit sixty degrees and it was fantastic. Temperatures have been mostly in the forties and fifties allowing for the occasional open window. It’s HOODIE WEATHER.

On the first day of spring it was forty-eight degrees with sunshine and blue skies and it wasn’t blizzarding and it was so confusing.

We’re only in April so we can very easily get another foot or two of snow. It snowed yesterday, but it was barely a dusting that didn’t really stick to anything. I’ll take the spring weather while it lasts.

Our tiny patch of yard was, at its peak, just one giant snowbank at least six feet high.

It’s down to a mound about three feet high. We’ll see how long it takes to melt completely. There are still some mountains around our development that probably have a few weeks yet of melting before they’re gone.




The new O.A.R. album came out last week, and hoo boy do I have some FEELINGS about that.

Top 10 Most Played Artists for March 2019…

1.) O.A.R. 391 plays

2.) Nine Days 366 plays

3.) Splender 294 plays

4.) Tonic 115 plays

5.) Matt Nathanson 61 plays

6.) Toad The Wet Sprocket 58 plays

7.) Emerson Hart 52 plays

8.) Billy Joel 51 plays

9.) Evan & Jaron 51 plays

10.) Gavin DeGraw 45 plays

Honorable mention: Sister Hazel, Jamison Murphy, Tim Blane, 2AM Club, Genesis

Total of 1,637 plays of 430 tracks from 98 albums by 39 artists.

Worth Fighting For
Nine Days

Something to say?