Bathing in light…

December. To that I say, finally and how because this year has felt both like an endless slog and a smear of blink and you’ll miss it. More so than usual at least. A few years ago (when exactly, I do not remember) finding the motivation to put up the Christmas tree did not happen until very late in the season (when exactly, I do not remember) and even then, I really DID NOT feel… Keep reading…Bathing in light…

Blown by the wind…

November. We turned off the A/C for the last time on October 4th. It snowed for the first time on October 30th. Air conditioning to snow in 27 days. The turkeys have been hanging around almost daily under the neighbors’ bird feeders. They come running from the woods in a real hurry just to stop short under the tree for snacks. They get distracted easily and start to wander off, and then remember they were… Keep reading…Blown by the wind…

All over town…

October. Sunday the 1st: 90 degrees Monday the 2nd: 88 degrees Tuesday the 3rd: 85 degrees Wednesday the 4th: 63 degrees Right then. We had like, a week of open windows in September, then it got hot again. Then it cooled down, but it rained practically every day so it was 90-some percent humidity, then it got hot again. Now we’ve had a twenty-degree temperature drop and the current forecast says it’s going to stay… Keep reading…All over town…

Can’t be denied…

September. Finally. Already. Whatever. It’s still ninety-some degrees outside with a heat advisory. And an extreme fire weather watch because drought. But at least August is fucking over. August sucked extra hard this year. Anyroad. A few weeks back, Bob came home from work (first in a long time that he had to actually go into the office) and stated, “I feel like we need an owlbear around here.” So… S: To be fair, you… Keep reading…Can’t be denied…

Just a matter of survival…

August. Ish. We finally have our access road back. Mostly. There’s still a big torn-up mess all around it, but our dirt hill exit has been obliterated and we have fresh asphalt, curbs, and retaining wall. The house is still being violently shaken at all waking hours of the day, however. BUT they have opened a long closed intersection and a whole new service road that didn’t previously exist so there are two new ways… Keep reading…Just a matter of survival…

Here today, forgot tomorrow…

July. We all know how I feel about July. I have tried a dozen times to write something here and every time I open up a draft my brain just says, Yeah no. GFY. Then when I did write something, I deleted it. Because I can. The cooling fan I keep under my laptop has suddenly taken to randomly rattling very loudly and then stopping just as sudden. Then it stopped rattling, but it was… Keep reading…Here today, forgot tomorrow…