30 Days of Blogging…Day 4…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 4: Your Favorite Book: I don’t do a whole lot of reading, mostly because I just don’t have the attention span for it. It is incredibly difficult for me to sit down and read a book. I have to be in just the right mood to do it, and even then, it usually doesn’t last very long unless the book really hooks me. I don’t know that this is my… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 4…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 3…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 3: Your Favorite Television Program: Bob and I don’t really watch much TV. What we do watch, we’re usually a few weeks behind on and we catch on Hulu—when we think about it. Before I met Bob, I watched shows practically every night of the week. After I met him…I pretty much lost interest in TV. If I have to choose a show, I guess I’ll go with Psych. I’m… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 3…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 2…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 2: Your Favorite Movie I don’t have just one favorite movie. Does anybody really have just one favorite movie? Really? I have several. So I picked four of my very favorites. 1.) The Breakfast Club … I have seen this movie more times than any other movie. I can quote it line for line. 2.) The Cutting Edge … One of my very favorite romantic comedies. I still get a… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 2…

Domestic goddess I am not…

Making a grocery list is difficult. I know what we need, as far as our “usual” stuff goes. I just don’t know what to put on it in terms of variety and not crap. I don’t know what to put on it in terms of “new” stuff. Bob and I have been learning as we go when it comes to cooking. When we first met, after we moved in together, we ate out almost all… Keep reading…Domestic goddess I am not…

Year One…

One year ago today I married the love of my life. I started out writing something entirely different about us and our relationship, but it turned in a direction I didn’t want. Maybe it’s something I could write for another day. But not today. Our tiny wedding ceremony might have excluded a lot of people, but it was perfect for US. We had the wedding we wanted. If there is anything I feel like I… Keep reading…Year One…

Why the wait?

It’s a little over a month now until our first wedding anniversary. Bob and I have been talking about how we plan to celebrate this landmark occasion. We haven’t really come up with anything concrete as of yet, but it will be “us” whatever we do. Dinner and geekery are the most likely of suspects. Bob has been wanting to upgrade the power supply in his computer since he got it. It came with a… Keep reading…Why the wait?