I’ll do this all again…

I have a deep-rooted emotional attachment to the music I love. I’ve probably mentioned that before. I do have a tendency to repeat myself. I know. You’re shocked. I also firmly believe that without this music, I would not be alive right now. It was the one thing keeping me from flinging myself off a cliff for so many years while I was getting progressively sicker, barely keeping my head above water. Then I met… Keep reading…I’ll do this all again…


Mmmm…mashed potatoes… No. Wait. That wasn’t what that was supposed to be a reference to. Sidetracked. Anyway. It’s no secret that my latest fixation has been Red vs Blue and the crew at Rooster Teeth. (And not just Caboose Joel.) I could probably write an entire post flailing about that. But this is not that post. On a number of occasions recently (or not so recently, my timing is impeccable these days), a handful of… Keep reading…Mashed…

If you could just believe you are…

I don’t know how to write a music review. But one of my very favorite bands released a new album today. Ingram Hill released their latest effort Look Your Best today. The iTunes version has two bonus tracks you can’t get anywhere else (of course). I am in love all over again. This band has kept me inexplicably sane more times I can count in the years since I first discovered their music. Blasting their… Keep reading…If you could just believe you are…