Damn these days…

Insomnia and anxiety are great, I don’t know what you’re talking about. There are so many things I could be writing about, but they’re not getting written because I just don’t have the mental fortitude for it. I write plenty of posts dumping out raw emotions that never get published. They just sit in the drafts folder never to see the light of day. It feels better to purge my brain, and everything I write… Keep reading…Damn these days…

But that one night…

Contrary to the inanity that I write here…I don’t suck at writing. That is not an easy thing for me to admit out loud. (Or in print on the internet, as the case may be.) I am the queen of self-deprecation, and depression and anxiety like to try to convince me I suck at merely existing most days. I have a difficult time saying I’m a good writer without feeling like a complete fraud. Every… Keep reading…But that one night…

Can’t remember a warm December…

…wait… It’s been raining…a lot…so…warm December it is. Minnesota. Rain. December. What. Anyway. No. Wait. I just looked out the window and it’s snowing. Joy. We took my ring in for its regular six-month inspection and they found a loose stone, so they had to send it out for repair. I am without my wedding ring for over two weeks. I don’t realize how much I fidget with my ring until I’m not wearing it…. Keep reading…Can’t remember a warm December…

I’m drinkin’ tonight…

Not really. It’s just a Train song. (I really need to ask Bob to help me with getting the custom “now playing” field back on my posts.) Though if I actually drank I probably would be blasted right about now. But I don’t. So I’m not. Alas. Instead I’m sitting here at ungodly o’clock with a mug of tea steaming up my glasses and I’m pretty sure it’s mocking me. The anxiety pit has been… Keep reading…I’m drinkin’ tonight…

Willing to bet it…

Listing… 1.) Insomnia is a royal bitch. 2.) Every twenty-eight days, my uterus tries to kill me. This may or may not be a large contributor to list item number one. Currently, at least. The rest of the time is a mixed bag of fun. And by fun, I mean EFFFFFF Youuuuuu. 3.) Somebody told me recently that I’m young in terms of changing my mind about having kids. I’m 35. So…no. No I’m not…. Keep reading…Willing to bet it…

Give it more than a try…

Listing…because insomnia. Sleep is for the weak. 1.) I’m listening to The Monkees. Because I like them. 2.) I have an itchy, scaly Proactiv Patch around my left eye. I’ve been coating it in Cetaphil, but my paranoia is in overdrive. It’s been 14 years since Proactiv Solution corroded my face off, but that is exactly how that clusterfuck started. 3.) I’ve been stabbing at some stylesheets for different blog themes. I’ve lost most of… Keep reading…Give it more than a try…