At the end of the day…

Christmas vacation. Sixteen days holed up in the bear cave. Late nights, lazy days, avoiding people, and enjoying every minute of it. 1.) We went to see the new Star Wars movie. We caught a $5 matinee at a near-empty theater. This one definitely makes up for that last set of movies. I had zero expectations so I was pleasantly surprised. And I need a BB-8 of my very own please and thank you. 2.)… Keep reading…At the end of the day…

Can’t remember a warm December…

…wait… It’s been raining…a lot…so…warm December it is. Minnesota. Rain. December. What. Anyway. No. Wait. I just looked out the window and it’s snowing. Joy. We took my ring in for its regular six-month inspection and they found a loose stone, so they had to send it out for repair. I am without my wedding ring for over two weeks. I don’t realize how much I fidget with my ring until I’m not wearing it…. Keep reading…Can’t remember a warm December…

I tear so easily…

Building a story soundtrack at two-something in the morning because sleep is for the weak. Every time I sit down to write here, my brain turns to mush, and I seem to get Vyvanse levels of incoherency happening up in this place. That’s probably a sign I should just step away from the internet, but…nah. There are days I think, I am thirty-six years old and wonder, how the hell am I that old and… Keep reading…I tear so easily…

So stay…it’s okay…

1.) The beginning of this week was sixty degrees. It snowed on Thursday. (Barely a dusting that didn’t last but it still snowed.) Today didn’t even get above freezing. Oh hey, Minnesota. You finally figured out it’s November. 2.) On a recent stop at Chipotle, we saw Chris Colfer’s teenage doppelganger. I noticed him standing in line and had to do a double-take because his profile was so distinctly similar it was bizarre. I wanted… Keep reading…So stay…it’s okay…