Forget about yesterday by tomorrow…

I can write pages and pages of dialogue (and the occasional narrative) and find most of it to be crap. Or what I perceive as crap. Somebody else might think it’s okay. Then I go back and read, and reread…and reread…and then something stands out that I actually like and it sticks in my brain and I find myself wondering, “Why can’t it ALL be like that?” But I guess I’ll take what I can… Keep reading…Forget about yesterday by tomorrow…

Don’t hardly understand…

a.) My brain is mush. b.) Few things make me question my already dwindling sanity more than the phantom cigarette smoke stench. How can it be THAT STRONG and I am the ONLY ONE who smells it? c.) Writing is not coming easy these days. d.) Got a statement from the insurance company. Always a fun day. One page had some very confusing math happening that I THINK means I won’t have to pay for… Keep reading…Don’t hardly understand…

Kinda wears me out…

1.) Had a doctor appointment on Friday. Bob went with me. Nobody accused him of being my son this time. I have another appointment this coming Friday. Bob is planning on going with me again. We’ll see if anybody else makes me feel like a dirty old woman. 2.) Addressing health concerns is expensive. Though I have yet to receive a bill for the $531 test I had done in December that told me there… Keep reading…Kinda wears me out…

Could be worse…

Could be raining. It’s been about five years since the last time I had an actual cold. Coincidentally, it’s also been five years since I’ve had a job. I don’t want to jump to conclusions over here, but I think the two could possibly be related. Bob has had a number of colds in varied severity in all that time, but somehow I managed to avoid catching them. Until this one. Apparently in my hiatus,… Keep reading…Could be worse…