Bleep Bloop…

One day…last week?…two weeks ago?…we’ll just say recently and run with that…Bob and I were having a conversation about my headaches—because I was having one—and he asked me how much water I drink during the day. I said, “Not enough.” Because it’s true. I don’t drink enough water daily. I forget. Because I forget…everything. My brain doesn’t work. We’ve been over this. Bob said I need some sort of alarm to go off every couple… Keep reading…Bleep Bloop…

Just for a little…

I just deleted a spam comment that was mostly in a foreign language, full of sketchy links and with the random English statement complaining about not being able to access websites in Microsoft-based browsers. I think it was meant to spam a support forum not a blog. I am confused. Ehh? The landlord is coming over later today to “inspect the property” because we’re moving out next month. It only took them two weeks to… Keep reading…Just for a little…