Bleep Bloop…

One day…last week?…two weeks ago?…we’ll just say recently and run with that…Bob and I were having a conversation about my headaches—because I was having one—and he asked me how much water I drink during the day. I said, “Not enough.” Because it’s true. I don’t drink enough water daily. I forget. Because I forget…everything. My brain doesn’t work. We’ve been over this.

Bob said I need some sort of alarm to go off every couple of hours to remind me to drink a glass of water throughout the day. Hmm… It got me to thinking…does my phone have an alarm feature? I have no idea. I don’t use the thing. It’s a phone—I avoid it like the damn PLAGUE.

So I started looking through the features on my phone. Lo and behold, it has alarms! (I really wasn’t that surprised. It’s not a fancy smart phone but it’s a semi-current piece of technology. It has features.) So I set up alarms to go off every two hours called “Water” starting at EIGHT AM. And I used a sound clip of my very favorite Spartan yelling so it’s impossible to ignore. And it’s obnoxious as all hell. And funny. Because hello? CABOOSE.

However, at 8:00 on a weekend…not so funny. More like—“ShuddupCabooseNEEDMOARSLEEP!”

(Caboose sounds the alarm)

I just know that someday soon this thing is going to go off at a very inopportune time and in the middle of a quiet room Caboose is going to start yelling, “I HAVE SO MANY ACHIEVABLES!” And people will stare at me. And I will smile and say, “Oh hai. That’s just Caboose. He’s very excited about his achievables. Now I must drink some water.” And people will stare at me. And think I am fucking crazy. And they will be correct. And that’s okay. I fully embrace my insanity.

I took the sound clip from the Red vs Blue PSA for Achievements. If you play video games, you should watch it. Because it’s funny. You should watch it anyway. Because it’s funny.

(Achievements PSA)

Also. This week’s AHWU is awesome simply for this. (Have you even been paying attention?…Neither have I.)

(Achievement Hunter Weekly Update: Ep. 57)

I should probably go drink some water now. SOMEBODY is yelling about achievables.

1 thought on “Bleep Bloop…

  1. What a great idea! Have you noticed any difference now that you’re drinking more water?
    I had been having headaches a lot recently (well it felt like a lot to me, at least) and the doctor said they were migrains. Gave me a prescription for some migrain med (Sumatriptan, I think) I took one pill, once, when I felt the beginings of a headache. He said to take it right away, don’t debate it, and hope the headache will go away on its own. BAD idea. The pill made my headache WORSE.
    All that to say…if you know that this medicine works for you and your headaches, let me know, and I’ll find a way to get the remaining 8 pills to you.

Something to say?