Turn me over and over…

I currently have fourteen unposted entries sitting in drafts. I can’t seem to complete a thought…ever. I hooked up a standard keyboard to my laptop so I can sit back from my desk with the keyboard in my lap while I’m writing. I am incapable of typing on a regular keyboard apparently. My typos have increased tenfold methinks. It’s also actually a Mac keyboard, swiped from Bob’s Fubar’ed iMac. There are a lot of extra… Keep reading…Turn me over and over…

I wouldn’t change one thing…

It’s after midnight, which means it’s June 15th. As of the 15th, we have been in our house for a full month now. It’s been awesome. We still don’t have a closing date, but we did hear that the “negotiations” had entered another “stage” which typically means that things are getting close. Last week the selling bank sent out two different people to take pictures of the house to do an appraisal of sorts. Most… Keep reading…I wouldn’t change one thing…

The First Supper…

Since moving into our house, Bob and I have been particularly good about making dinner at home and not eating out. Off the top of my head I can only think of two occurrences and one of those was the day we moved. We’d been eating out a lot in the weeks leading up to moving. And we ate out probably once a week on a regular basis before that. Having our own kitchen is… Keep reading…The First Supper…


On the last two grocery shopping trips I’ve been accumulating baking supplies. On the vanilla extract box there is a recipe for frosting that is easy to make and I had every ingredient for. So I made it. Because I wanted it. And then realized I didn’t really have anything to put it on……other than a spoon. So I tried saltine crackers. Which sounds odd sure, but it was a nice combination of salty and… Keep reading…Frosted…