Freudian Slip…

You say one thing when you’re thinking of a mother… I was perusing a food blog, as I do, and I decided to bookmark it. I have a slew of bookmarks under the “domestic goddess” category. My delusions, let me haven them. My hands landed on the keyboard offset. Instead of dom[estic]…I typed sin. I think my brain is trying to tell me I need to lay off the baking for awhile. —

Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen! Watchout!

Java Update is the Navi of software updates. JU: Hey! Java Update. Me: Not right now. Busy. JU: HEY! Java Update! Me: Later, please. JU: HEY! HEY! JAVA UPDATE! Me: For the love of—I said, LATER. JU: HEYJAVAUPDATE! YOU SHOULD UPDATE JAVA ZOMGRIGHTNAO BEFORE SUMONE DIES ZOMG!!!!1!!!!111! Me: FINE. Do your fucking update already. JU: This software is already installed. Me: Jezuz H. Roman are you effing kidding me? JU: Yahoo Toolbar? —

Mint Brownies…

When I had a job, I worked in an office that was a big fan of potlucks. One of my coworkers [almost] always brought in Mint Brownies to share. They were generally devoured by the end of the work day because they were so freaking good. When I was copying recipes from my mom, I found she had the recipe for Lilly’s famous mint brownies. So I added that to my list. I’ve been wanting… Keep reading…Mint Brownies…


When I start building characters for a story project, I cast them. I think in terms of, if this were a movie…who could I best see playing the roll? I don’t necessarily stick to strictly actors. I pull from anywhere, including real life. It’s much easier for me to write a character when I know what they look like. Even if the character’s personality is the polar opposite of their real-life counterpart. I know I’m… Keep reading…Starring…who?

Cinnamon Rolls…

Every time I see a recipe for cinnamon rolls I think, “ooh…maybe I could make those.” And it is the most labor intensive recipe EVER. So I move right along without saving or bookmarking. Whilst perusing some food blogs recently, I came across a new recipe for cinnamon rolls. And it really wasn’t anymore work than your average cookie recipe. So I saved it. And then I decided to make them. Sure, you get messy… Keep reading…Cinnamon Rolls…

Not what I was saying…

I have 24 posts sitting in drafts right now. I think I need to go back to them and either post them or purge them. Because two dozen drafts is a bit excessive. Even for me. I’ve been struggling a lot with writing lately. Both here and with my writing. I always differentiate between the two. As a writer I probably shouldn’t. Writing is writing, but to me, blogging and writing are two different things…. Keep reading…Not what I was saying…