
When we closed on the house I figured I’d start moving more of my stuff out of my parents’ house and into our house. I figured if I tackled the mountain of stuff still in my old bedroom little by little each time I was there, it wouldn’t be such a daunting task to transfer everything. Monday my mom called me and asked me to come finish cleaning out my closet. She needs the space…. Keep reading…Movement…

The hardest part was yesterday…

I’m revisiting an old story project I started roughly eight years ago. I had a lot of hope for it at the time, but it was a struggle to accomplish much writing on it. I realized, after beating it into submission several times over, that one of the main characters was the problem. Other characters were properly constructed, but one…just wasn’t working. And he was an important character. If he didn’t work, there wasn’t much… Keep reading…The hardest part was yesterday…


When we first looked at this house, I was a little bit excited by the fact that there was already a storm door installed. Those are few and far between on townhouses and they’re typically freaking expensive to buy and install on your own. While we were looking that first day, we had an issue getting the storm door to close. It wasn’t until I noticed a label on the inside of the door, that… Keep reading…Storm…Door…

Pumpkin Cheesecake…

I made Bob a pumpkin cheesecake for his birthday. Two of his favorite desserts in one. I’m not entirely crazy about pumpkin myself, but I’ll spoil my husband completely. Finding a cheesecake recipe that isn’t overly complicated is damn near impossible. Put it in a water bath exactly three inches deep, bake it for six hours at 100 degrees, leave it sitting in the oven for three hours with the door open after it’s done… Keep reading…Pumpkin Cheesecake…

Dear Diary…

Yesterday while visiting my parents, my mom and I started going through some things in my closet. I have a lot of crap still in my old bedroom, just waiting to be sorted through, tossed, donated, or moved to our new house. I brought home a backseat-full of stuff with me. In that pile, are two diaries I kept from the end of elementary school to the beginning of high school. Diaries. Bob was eying… Keep reading…Dear Diary…


MS Word keeps a running word count of a given document in the bottom corner of the screen. I know it’s not entirely accurate as it seems to count every so many spaces as words, but I figure it can’t be that far off from the actual numbers. I have a story document sitting at 78 pages and roughly 32,000 words. It was created December 5, 2010. I’ve been working on it off and on… Keep reading…Counted…