Headache from the night before…

Writer’s block. Yes, we’re still on this. … Staring at my writing folder, mulling over projects that have been sitting there mocking me for months, wondering if I start poking at them with sharper sticks, they’ll respond. … Reading through projects I haven’t touched in awhile, remembering why I loved them so much in the first place. Thinking I should really get back to working on them and…I got nothin’. … Looking at one project… Keep reading…Headache from the night before…

Tater Tot Hotdish…

Tater. Tot. Hotdish. You heard me. Listen. I’m from Minnesota. This shit is part of my damn DNA. It’s HOTDISH. I don’t make it often, though I could make it more. It’s just not the healthiest of meals. But it’s comfort food. And sometimes you just need comfort food. Tater Tot Hotdish Ingredients: 1 lb ground turkey (or beef or chicken) 2 lb bag tater tots 2 10-oz cans cream of (chicken, mushroom, celery, pick… Keep reading…Tater Tot Hotdish…

Just open the door…

The purgatory of writer’s block often sends my brain in wild directions, desperately grasping for ideas I can work with. This is generally where the inane fanfiction enters the picture, but even that collective monstrosity is at a standstill these days. Oh I have ideas. I always have ideas for terrible fanfiction. But those ideas are just as trapped as the legitimate material rolling around in my head. I am shockingly adept at sabotaging myself—which… Keep reading…Just open the door…

Pick up that precious something…

…and relax for a delicate few… It’s been almost three years since our trip to Colorado. I never wrote the detailed post I had planned about it, complete with pictures and a lot of flailing about music and mountains. At the time I couldn’t write about it without ugly crying all over my computer. At this point, I think it’s best left to the mental archives. The trip was worth every last one of those… Keep reading…Pick up that precious something…

Save me that frustration…

Dear Writer’s Block, You are an insufferable bitch. GTFO please and thank you. No love, —Me Something, something, dead horses. When the writing sits at critical mass for extended periods of time, my brain comes up with a lot of inane activities to fill the void. (No, no, more inane than usual.) I was looking at my Last.fm stats…like I do…and noticed a couple of artists were sitting at nice clean numbers. And then I… Keep reading…Save me that frustration…

Give it more than a try…

Listing…because insomnia. Sleep is for the weak. 1.) I’m listening to The Monkees. Because I like them. 2.) I have an itchy, scaly Proactiv Patch around my left eye. I’ve been coating it in Cetaphil, but my paranoia is in overdrive. It’s been 14 years since Proactiv Solution corroded my face off, but that is exactly how that clusterfuck started. 3.) I’ve been stabbing at some stylesheets for different blog themes. I’ve lost most of… Keep reading…Give it more than a try…