Steak Seasoning…

When I first started cooking for Bob and me, I often overcompensated in the seasoning department. I grew up with a mother who only ever used salt and pepper to season food. Which is fine for some things, but usually results in a very bland dish. I wanted flavor in my food. Even if [at the time] it was mostly coming out of a box. There were A LOT of severely over seasoned dinners in… Keep reading…Steak Seasoning…

Trying to figure out what to do…

I can generally tell how invested I am in a given writing idea based on how much time I spend designing house plans for it. If I build from the ground up, as opposed to reusing an existing plan, I’m usually on the fixated side of the fence. No, no. More than usual. The gears are grinding on an idea that has been around for quite some time, but has gone through several incarnations—different characters,… Keep reading…Trying to figure out what to do…

There’s a mystery in that…

I find myself suddenly self-conscious about all the formatting issues around here. I don’t know why. I can count on one hand the number of people who actually see this site and I don’t even need all my fingers. And when I find myself perusing other blogs, there is a staggering number with really sloppy formatting that breaks my brain. (And makes this place look pretty decent.) Giant text and text that overflows because there… Keep reading…There’s a mystery in that…

What’s left of my mind…

I changed to a new blog theme for about ten minutes and decided I couldn’t stand to use it until it’s undergone extensive editing. I have no idea if I’m going to be able to properly edit the parts that need it—without enough PHP and WordPress know-how at least—which pretty much means it’ll be another five years before I MIGHT get it changed. Anyhoozits… When I started writing so many…many…many years ago, I wrote in… Keep reading…What’s left of my mind…

Leave the door wide open…

Every time I sit down and try to compose a coherent blog post it just turns into a massive train wreck of gibberish. No, no. MORE than usual. So listing it is… 1.) Last Friday morning I woke up with a scratchy throat, which got progressively worse throughout the day, and now I’m on day eight of nondescript plague. It’s like it’s trying to be a chest cold, but it’s spinning its wheels at the… Keep reading…Leave the door wide open…

Need a little minute…

Technology hates me, I’m pretty sure. I do everything right and it still gives me the finger. If I don’t know what I’m doing or something isn’t working, I default to Bob—the guy who gets paid to beat technology into submission—and whatever problem I’m having magically WORKS for him, despite doing the exact same thing I was doing. What. Ever. FILSS. My current laptop has pretty good sound for a laptop. It’s nothing fancy. Just… Keep reading…Need a little minute…