Caught in a joyride…

  Or just in general… S: I just did a Windows update. Now I’m doing an iTunes update. R: Wow. You really wanna fuck things up, don’t you? Why are you suddenly feeling so masochistic? S: I tend to make bad decisions when I’m overheated. — Fair enough… S: You would think after all this time, iTunes would— R: Uh-uh. S: Good point. R: All you had to say was iTunes. — There are no… Keep reading…Caught in a joyride…

Lack of oxygen…

Ever have a house guest that overstays their welcome and just WILL. NOT. LEAVE. Insomnia is an unwelcome house guest that WILL. NOT. LEAVE. I know at least part of it is stress related (OMFG THE NEWS FFS), but I know that’s not the entire cause. I just don’t quite know what the other specific contributing factors might be at this point. FNEH. It’s approaching two in the morning, my room temperature tea is almost… Keep reading…Lack of oxygen…

Lost a bit of solid ground…

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve opened up a draft here and stared at the blank, white expanse for an indeterminate amount of time, then proceeded to close out the tab without touching the keyboard. I’ve been hacking and slashing at this post in particular for over a week now. Parts are irrelevant at this point, but it’s six-something in the morning and I’ve been awake since four-ish. Irrelevant sounds perfectly fine at the… Keep reading…Lost a bit of solid ground…

Never been here before…

So are we gonna give in? What happens if we fall? — I keep digging around in the drafts folder (20 posts) looking for material to use. There’s this one that I keep circling back to as it’s actually complete, but completely irrelevant. I wrote a whole thing about a couple of story projects that were at the forefront of the moment, and it was a decent, complete post, but I didn’t publish it at… Keep reading…Never been here before…

Three hundred and sixty-four more days…

What a way to start the new year….   According to revision history, I started this draft on December 27th. The last edit, before now, was January 3rd. When I opened up the draft, I realized the post was finished, I just never actually hit publish. Sure it’s March and it’s old news and I already posted about it on Instagram. But it’s a finished post, so just publish the damn thing and get it… Keep reading…Three hundred and sixty-four more days…

When the pictures fade…

Oh hey it’s March. And here I thought I was going to start the year off with writing more here. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…ha…ha…ha… Ha. Ha. Ha. *ahem* Anyway. I have tried—TRIED—to write here so many times since my last post. But every time I open this same draft (started January 11th according to revision history) I find myself floundering, at an absolute loss for something to say. Which pretty much sums up all of my writing as… Keep reading…When the pictures fade…