Just a certain extent…

I moved around a bunch of directories on my domain, broke every single image link, ran some mySQL scripts to fix it (scripts? queries? code?), changed a few more directories, ran a separate plugin to fix that, entered the wrong information that I couldn’t undo and had to manually fix a few dozen posts, then manually updated every single post to get the featured images to update properly. I combed through two defunct subdomains that… Keep reading…Just a certain extent…

It ain’t nothin’ new…

…) Every time writing sinks to critical mass for an extended period, my brain starts grappling for some other kind of creative outlet to latch onto. New websites that never see the light of day, new craft projects that won’t get finished, buying new books that won’t get read, filling wishlists on Amazon with things associated with stories that I will never buy. I’ve been tweaking a lot of things behind the scenes with my… Keep reading…It ain’t nothin’ new…

All over town…

October. Sunday the 1st: 90 degrees Monday the 2nd: 88 degrees Tuesday the 3rd: 85 degrees Wednesday the 4th: 63 degrees Right then. We had like, a week of open windows in September, then it got hot again. Then it cooled down, but it rained practically every day so it was 90-some percent humidity, then it got hot again. Now we’ve had a twenty-degree temperature drop and the current forecast says it’s going to stay… Keep reading…All over town…