It’s nothing new…

It’s after midnight so Christmas is over. And thank God for that. Joe spent over a week in the hospital with pneumonia and ended up having surgery to clean out infection around his lung. A seven-inch incision and a deliberately broken rib, plus tubes to drain things, and 24/7 oxygen support, he was an ornery bastard who just wanted to go home and have a cigarette. If I were Gayle, I’d put my foot in… Keep reading…It’s nothing new…

Brain freeze…

Saturday afternoon Bob and I hauled it down to Small Town, Minnesota for my cousin Jamie’s graduation party. Little Jamie, the first of many babies my mom took care of from my mid-teens and on. Little Jamie graduated from high school and now I feel So. Freaking. Old. Attending her party meant seeing members of my dad’s family I see all of once a year…if that. This is all well and good, they generally save… Keep reading…Brain freeze…

One I couldn’t avoid…

I should be sleeping. I was tired when I got into bed. I didn’t stay because my mind is flailing and I have an unexplained pit of anxiety wreaking havoc on my stomach. This is decidedly unawesome. #…I am listening to Ingram Hill. Because this is what I need to listen to when the anxiety gets overwhelming. I can’t explain what it is about this band, but their music has played a pivotal role in… Keep reading…One I couldn’t avoid…


When we closed on the house I figured I’d start moving more of my stuff out of my parents’ house and into our house. I figured if I tackled the mountain of stuff still in my old bedroom little by little each time I was there, it wouldn’t be such a daunting task to transfer everything. Monday my mom called me and asked me to come finish cleaning out my closet. She needs the space…. Keep reading…Movement…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 16…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 16: A Song that Makes You Cry (or nearly)… It’s schmoopy and it’s country and people look at me like I have three heads and a naked Muppet on my shoulder when I say that this song makes me cry. But if I’m in the right (or perhaps wrong?) mindset when I listen to this song, it has the power to turn me into a sniveling, blubbering, snotty MESS. My… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 16…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 8…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 8: A Photo that Makes You Angry/Sad… I wasn’t sure what to do for this one. Why would I want to look at pictures that make me angry or sad? When it comes to the picture posts of this particular meme I want to stick to my own pictures if I can, so I was trying to figure out what I could use for this day. And then I remembered… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 8…