Pretty ain’t a job…

Week 20… Five months… I haven’t written a real blog post in a very long time. By “real” I mean, a blog post with a lot of words for the sake of a blog post with a lot of words and not these snippet things that are just a lead-in to my monthly stats. It’s not for lack of trying…mostly. I’ve started countless drafts that eventually ended up in the trash because it just… Keep reading…Pretty ain’t a job…

One last cloud…

Friday morning I woke up with a scratchy throat. It was mild and annoying, but I chalked it up to allergies because we’d had the windows open most of the week and trees are the devil. I expected it to ease up as the day went on, but it actually started to get worse. By late afternoon I felt like I got hit by a bus. But I was in denial and wrote it off… Keep reading…One last cloud…

Standing right here…

I currently have twenty-six posts sitting in drafts. There are a few that are mostly finished, but I have no intention of posting. Things I’ve written that I thought I wanted to dump into the ether, but once it was on the page I no longer felt compelled to press publish. I keep them because it felt better getting it out of my head. It’s the closest thing I have to a private journal these… Keep reading…Standing right here…

Melting over time…

Oh hey, it’s August. July was fully centered on surgery and recovery and staring blankly at various points in front of me because I didn’t have the energy for much else. Aside from whining about it on Twitter. I did A LOT of whining about it on Twitter. Nothing new there. So. Stuff. And things… 1.) I may or may not write a lengthy post about septoplasty and bilateral turbinate reduction. I have plenty to… Keep reading…Melting over time…

Caught in a one-way street…

I didn’t make a single post in the month of May and we’re already approaching the end of June. Generally in the long stretches between posts, I start, revisit, abandon, and/or delete half a dozen drafts trying to come up with something to write that doesn’t make me want to bang my head against the wall. This time around… I don’t think I even really opened WordPress. I’ve barely been writing anything. I started this… Keep reading…Caught in a one-way street…

Setting it off again…

Oh hey. It’s Sunday night insomnia. How’s business?   … I had my annual physical and walked out with orders for blood work, a mammogram, a CT scan of my sinuses, and a referral to an ENT doctor. … Blood work showed I have really low iron and need supplements, but this may be a factor in the monthly headaches that render me utterly useless for three days. Though I won’t know for a few… Keep reading…Setting it off again…