
I just deleted 24 spam comments from my filter. Of those 24 comments, 15 of them were all for the same post. When I do a mass-delete of spam comments, the majority of the comments are for that exact post. I have no idea what possible keyword in that post causes it to garner so much spam, but it’s very bizarre. Also, people need a fucking hobby. Write a bot that’s useful mmmkay? Or go… Keep reading…Grace…


Friday night I was putting away groceries in the pantry. I brought my hand back toward me and smashed my thumb against the interior edge of the cabinet frame. PAIN. Jeezy Creezy, the PAIN. Also, a thick chunk of skin hanging loose. And blood. Lots of blood. I kept it bandaged for two days until it stopped bleeding long enough to clot and scab. (Visual images, you are welcome.) Who knew smooth wood could be… Keep reading…Sliced…


I have a point-and-shoot digital camera. These days the [updated] model runs probably less than $200. When I bought it five years ago, it was well over $300. I also paid a good $40 for my 2GB SD card. I saw a 16GB SD card at Microcenter for $12. Technology is a rip-off, really. Anyway. Sometime…recently (I can’t keep track of these things)…I came across a blog post talking about white-balance, and how to adjust… Keep reading…Balanced…


When I start building characters for a story project, I cast them. I think in terms of, if this were a movie…who could I best see playing the roll? I don’t necessarily stick to strictly actors. I pull from anywhere, including real life. It’s much easier for me to write a character when I know what they look like. Even if the character’s personality is the polar opposite of their real-life counterpart. I know I’m… Keep reading…Starring…who?

And then the F5 key fell off…

The only TV we watch these days is on Hulu. And that’s only…two?…shows. Which I think is a record for us, keeping up with two whole shows at a time. (America’s Got Talent and Wilfred for those playing along at home.) For awhile we kept seeing promos for a show called Mifits. Judging by the previews, it just looked very…odd. And British. British television is generally pretty odd, in my experience. Something prompted Bob to… Keep reading…And then the F5 key fell off…

I R Smrt…

When I got my new laptop with shiny Windows 7, I was highly disappointed that my 3D Home Architect program was no longer usable. It’s a program from somewhere in the vicinity of 1995. Windows 7 just ain’t gonna run that shit. Yes, I am well aware Windows 7 has a virtual WXP function that can run old programs. That’s in W7 Professional. I have W7 Home. So, after batting my eyelashes, I got a… Keep reading…I R Smrt…