
Sleep? What’s this sleep you speak of? My ears feel weird. We stopped into Kay for my six-month ring cleaning and added my earrings into the mix to get them onto the same schedule. I also had them take a look at one earring in particular because it doesn’t latch as tight as the others. It gets knocked loose far too easily and I’m terrified I’m going to lose it somewhere. They had to send… Keep reading…Blinky…

I’ll take you on…

It’s November 1st…there are so many things wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to begin. I suppose now that I’ve finished the whole 30 Days of Blogging thing, I’ll have to start writing real blog posts again. Again? *snirk* Yeah. I know. I laughed too. Modern code for homes is to have all smoke detectors hardwired into the electrical system with a battery backup. (As opposed to just being battery operated.) Also—all… Keep reading…I’ll take you on…


I got about three hours of sleep, woke up and stared at the clock for over an hour willing myself to go back to sleep, or at least stay in bed. And then I got up. Because tonight, the gears were turning. The gears are always turning, but tonight they were in overdrive. Serious overdrive. I’m mostly churning on writing ideas, but there has been a lot of random…bwuh?…thrown in for good measure. This is… Keep reading…Blink…blink…

Converstaions in Geek Love [part one]

Full Moon… S: What should I take a picture of today? R: You can take a picture of my ass. S: You want me to post a picture of your ass on my blog? R: Why not? Who looks at your blog anyway? S: This is true. R: I only need to worry about things like that if I run for office. — Because I said so… S: “Do not use [Purell] in the eyes.”… Keep reading…Converstaions in Geek Love [part one]