Three hundred and sixty-four more days…

What a way to start the new year….   According to revision history, I started this draft on December 27th. The last edit, before now, was January 3rd. When I opened up the draft, I realized the post was finished, I just never actually hit publish. Sure it’s March and it’s old news and I already posted about it on Instagram. But it’s a finished post, so just publish the damn thing and get it… Keep reading…Three hundred and sixty-four more days…

One Decade…

Oh hey it’s the middle of November. Thanksgiving is next week. I haven’t written anything here since the middle of September. Because reasons. A lot of reasons. It’s November 18th. Ten years ago today I spent eight hours sitting in a Caribou talking to a boy I met on the internet. Ten. Years. My twenties were full of a lot of bad, BAD decisions. But an insomnia-induced whim to create a profile on a free… Keep reading…One Decade…

Always the same…

There is a never-ending shitstorm of bad news from an administration hellbent on destroying people’s lives. Anyone with a single shred of basic human decency can see it. There is a loud consensus as of late that if you’re not publicly screeching about what’s going on in the world, you’re contributing to the problem. If you’re not filling your Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/[insert social media platform of choice] feeds with outrage, you are helping the opposition. Silence equals… Keep reading…Always the same…

Emotionally overrun…

I try to keep up with current events in the news so I have at least some idea of what’s going on in the world, but it can really take a harsh toll on my mental health. Especially as of late with the rapidly approaching election and the terrifying prospect of a horrific, degenerate psychopath becoming our next president. Instead… Things that are good… 1.) We ordered new blinds for all of our windows. (All… Keep reading…Emotionally overrun…

The Seven Year Itch…

Seven years ago I married a boy I met on the internet. Statistically, we should be seeing a decline in our relationship at this point. The Seven Year Itch is something that actually happens according to research. I’d say for us, the longer we’re together, the better we get. Does that make us special? No. Not really. Plenty of people survive statistics. My parents have been married for fifty years. It’s not always rainbows and… Keep reading…The Seven Year Itch…

Over and under…

Writing is hard. I’m still in a bit of recovery mode after my mental meltdown over one single writing project. And while we’ve had a few moments of mild reprieve from gross summer weather, I’m still feeling the effects of SAD. Though I do have a little bit more of a handle on the anxiety that has been all-consuming now that I know where it’s been coming from. Getting back to writing after an inadvertent… Keep reading…Over and under…