Could be worse…

Could be raining. It’s been about five years since the last time I had an actual cold. Coincidentally, it’s also been five years since I’ve had a job. I don’t want to jump to conclusions over here, but I think the two could possibly be related. Bob has had a number of colds in varied severity in all that time, but somehow I managed to avoid catching them. Until this one. Apparently in my hiatus,… Keep reading…Could be worse…

Cold pesto at two in the morning…

After Park Nicollet pissed me off to epic proportions, I was slammed with a migraine/tension headache that only added to the misery of the sobbing and swearing I was doing at my desk. I grabbed my laptop and dragged it into bed, put on some music, and went to sleep. A couple lousy hours later I woke up with a headache that could best be described as: FUCK MY LIFE. I took three Aleve and… Keep reading…Cold pesto at two in the morning…

Park Nicollet is determined to stay on my shit list forever…

I have not seen a mental health professional since mid to late 2010. That was the last time I played the “Let’s Try This One Next” game on ADHD meds. When that prescription failed, as they all failed, I decided I’d stick things out until I needed to go back when my other prescriptions ran out. I managed to drag those remaining refills out a lot longer than I should have without doctor supervision and… Keep reading…Park Nicollet is determined to stay on my shit list forever…


Slept about two hours last night. Calling it a victory because I haven’t been able to stay in bed to sleep at night for over a week now. About 3AM, I was perusing the intarwebz when my computer screen went black. And there it sat. I had to do a hard shut down and restart (it wanted Safe Mode) and it took 3 tries restarting to get it functional again. Things seemed to be running… Keep reading…FML…

Haphazard bullet points…

… Last week when we were out running errands we stopped at Potbelly Sandwiches for dinner. The guy behind the counter asked if we had any exciting plans for the weekend—we didn’t—then he asked if we were planning on playing Grifball. At first I wasn’t sure if I’d heard him right. He couldn’t possibly have said Grifball could he? Nobody knows what Grifball is. At least nobody I’ve ever actually met. See, I was wearing… Keep reading…Haphazard bullet points…