Standing stretching every nerve…

I’ve been extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke for more than half my life. It gives me a headache within minutes. It aggravates my sinuses and makes them swell. It makes my lungs seize. It makes me cough like I’m going to expel my lungs clear out of my chest. That same coughing yanks at my gag reflex and stomach in ways I don’t care to discuss. It’s not fun. I avoid it at all costs… Keep reading…Standing stretching every nerve…

Counting the cost and keeping score…

In the past week, I have written about sixteen pages worth of random conversations centering around a new-ish story idea. If I were to proceed with this idea and write this story, most of these scenes would likely be unusable as they are mostly mundane drivel. The writing itself isn’t all that bad. The conversations just don’t exactly make for riveting reading. The point is…I’ve been writing. It’s been well over six months since I… Keep reading…Counting the cost and keeping score…

You’re playing you now…

I read a lot of blogs. Some daily. Some less often. I subscribe to a whole mess of them through Google Reader. I have even more bookmarked under a category called “Blog Stalking: Random Folk.” The majority of these blogs are just average people with average lives. But I’ve always been drawn to that kind of thing. The ordinary, everyday is what interests me. Sharing in people’s everyday lives has always fascinated me. What you… Keep reading…You’re playing you now…

Any pain can be healed in time…

Some days, I am convinced Ritalin has caffeine in it. Most days, I’m convinced I’m taking sugar pills. I still haven’t written a proper recap of our wedding reception. It’s been well over a week now. At this point, it will either be a half-assed rehashing of the day, or it won’t get written. I’m not sure which direction I’m leaning towards at this point in time. My stomach and GI tract have been doing… Keep reading…Any pain can be healed in time…

Throw me out like water…

I’m having a hard time liking WordPress. I’m failing to see how it’s so “superior” to everything else like I’ve seen so many people claim. Also, if you’re going to go all, “ZOMG UPDATE YOUR THEME OR YOUR BLOG WILL IMPLODE ZOMG DOOOEEET!!!” on me, don’t override my stylesheet. Because that’s just going to piss me off. It’ll piss me off far more than it should, but it’s going to piss me off nonetheless and… Keep reading…Throw me out like water…

Just take me away from all that I am…

My habit of using song lyrics from whatever song I’m listening to when I title my post is kind of lost when I don’t have the metadata to tell what song I’m currently listening to on each post. Someday I will have that. Someday when I figure out how to read php and I can add the custom field to my code myself. Or someday when I ask Bob to do it for me. *sigh*… Keep reading…Just take me away from all that I am…