Caught in a joyride…

  Or just in general… S: I just did a Windows update. Now I’m doing an iTunes update. R: Wow. You really wanna fuck things up, don’t you? Why are you suddenly feeling so masochistic? S: I tend to make bad decisions when I’m overheated. — Fair enough… S: You would think after all this time, iTunes would— R: Uh-uh. S: Good point. R: All you had to say was iTunes. — There are no… Keep reading…Caught in a joyride…

Another perfect lie…

Conversations in Geek Love: You couldn’t have told me that nine years ago? R: Can I park there? What does that sign say? S: “Patients with children parking only.” R: Oh fine then. Whatever. S: If I have a kid, but don’t have them with me, can I still park there? Technically I’m a patient with a child. R: I think you need to have the kid with you. S: Whatever. Just because I don’t… Keep reading…Another perfect lie…

Take it slow now…

R: What would you do without me? S: I’d wander around bumping into walls all the time. R: Ripping off your toenails. S: More than I already do. — You know that commercial for toe fungus treatment with the little gremlin who walks over to the [animated] foot and flips the toenail up like the hood of a car? It’s just a cartoon, but that is one of the most shudder-inducing commercials I have ever… Keep reading…Take it slow now…

Just a shadow fading out…

I have a tendency to let posts pile up in the drafts folder. Things that are too fragmented, too bitchy, too emotional, too sleep-deprived, too why-are-you-posting-that-on-the-internet, too…whathaveyou. I go through them periodically and purge or use pieces in other posts that actually get published. And some just sit there for months—or years—as I don’t have the heart to delete them because maybe someday they’ll get finished. — Not my fault… S: He’s like a puppy…. Keep reading…Just a shadow fading out…

I don’t even watch the show…

S: I can always tell when I’ve been listening to too much Glee music because original versions of songs sound weird. R: I can always tell when you’ve been listening to too much Glee music because you always listen to too much Glee music. S: Touché. — — New Morning Darren Criss