Hey chicka bump bump…

S: By my calculations, I should get my Rooster Teeth package today. But it hasn’t shown up yet. So maybe it’ll get here tomorrow. I’m DYING for that CD. I need to hear Caboose’s love song to Church in it’s entirety. R: I didn’t think that song sounded that great. S: Well, it’s not so much the song—I really only like it because it’s Caboose singing it. R: No. You really only like it because… Keep reading…Hey chicka bump bump…

Conversations in Geek Love [part two]

Conquest to Woo a Templar… S: So apparently I made him wait too long to bed him down. Alistair just propositioned me instead. R: If there was an achievement for the number of different ways to get Alistair into bed—you would totally get it. — Signs of Intelligent Life… R: Only you would have a dream about an alien race of dinosaurs that are cute and cuddly—not mean and scaly. S: Ones that could be… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [part two]

Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

CG Love Affair… R: Will I lose approval if I don’t bring Alistair along? S: Mmm… minus 25. R: Damn. I guess you won’t be coming back to my tent tonight. — R: I don’t see what people were complaining about. This is more of a challenging puzzle than anything. S: I think the worst part about it is being alone. You don’t get Alistair’s snarky commentary the whole time. R: Yes. But I’m not… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

Converstaions in Geek Love [part one]

Full Moon… S: What should I take a picture of today? R: You can take a picture of my ass. S: You want me to post a picture of your ass on my blog? R: Why not? Who looks at your blog anyway? S: This is true. R: I only need to worry about things like that if I run for office. — Because I said so… S: “Do not use [Purell] in the eyes.”… Keep reading…Converstaions in Geek Love [part one]