Do what you’re thinking of…

1.) House still smells like bacon. Not quite as strong, but it’s especially noticeable when I open the bathroom door after taking a shower. Right then. 2.) Pumpkin banana bread turned out not bad. It’s a little flimsy and likes to fall apart like it has too much moisture, but not soggy. It’s weird. Needs tweaking. 3.) I woke up at 5-something this morning from a bizarre dream to the sound of the snow plow… Keep reading…Do what you’re thinking of…

Planning parties for all the fools…

Century Link is the shittiest internet service of all the shitty internet services. For the second time in a week they are apparently throttling our internet access for no goddamn reason. I’m about to start hucking rocks at people. In other news… We got a Nug. He tried to establish dominance over the Tonberry. It didn’t go over well. So he forged an alliance with the [fancy] Turret. These are the things that happen in… Keep reading…Planning parties for all the fools…

All night noise…

How the hell is it November already? I used to dread this month with every fiber of my being. Now I just sit and wonder where the hell the year went. The bat just thinks it’s funny. Then again, the bat thinks everything is funny. Happy Halloween. This is the extent of my decorations. What more does one need? A video posted by Sara T. (@aliasbob) on Oct 10, 2014 at 7:51am PDT At least we… Keep reading…All night noise…

Just a shadow fading out…

I have a tendency to let posts pile up in the drafts folder. Things that are too fragmented, too bitchy, too emotional, too sleep-deprived, too why-are-you-posting-that-on-the-internet, too…whathaveyou. I go through them periodically and purge or use pieces in other posts that actually get published. And some just sit there for months—or years—as I don’t have the heart to delete them because maybe someday they’ll get finished. — Not my fault… S: He’s like a puppy…. Keep reading…Just a shadow fading out…

It’s like five AM…

Actually at this very moment as I’m typing this it’s 6:21AM. But song lyrics as post titles and all that… I finally have my follow up with Dr. Brain next week. You know…TWELVE WEEKS after my EEG. But let’s rewind… I got a bill for the MRI (from March) and 2/5 of the 5-day EEG. Because Park Nicollet’s billing system makes a whole lot of sense. Bob took it away from me before I could… Keep reading…It’s like five AM…