Sink or see it through…

I trailed off mid-sentence while talking to Bob because I got distracted by the bright green light on the power supply under his desk. This is my brain and welcome to it. In the past few months, I’ve largely detached myself from the internet so I have little to no idea what’s going on in the world. If I didn’t have a pack of pills to count down every four weeks, I’d have absolutely no… Keep reading…Sink or see it through…

Scratch ticket lottery…

Do you have any idea what it’s like to walk down the hallway in the dark in the middle of the night and find a Tonberry in your path? Way more disturbing than it should be for a foot-tall stuffed animal. It’s after three in the morning. My mind is racing on a million different things. I might be starting to get a little bit tired, but it’s only fitting that sleep is giving me… Keep reading…Scratch ticket lottery…

It’s already hard enough…

I am attempting fajitas in the crockpot for dinner. Sheep is dubious and would like to just go back to bed. Thanks for the support, critter. Appreciate it. Yesterday I was laying in bed with my laptop—as I do—and I felt like I was falling forward despite not actually moving. I also had considerable tingling in my fingers and buzzing in my foot. Later I felt as though I was suspended in Jello. (Why is… Keep reading…It’s already hard enough…

Acting crazy like that…

My brain is in a weird place, as it has been for quite some time now. I’ve been trying to write posts and all I get is incoherent drivel or bitchy tirades and I have no desire to post either one. Once upon a time I posted all of that shit (see: pretty much the entirety of my Live Journal) but I don’t depend so heavily on blogging to outlet the horrors running rampant in… Keep reading…Acting crazy like that…

Words that come to mind…

Despite making little to no progress on the Ben & Marina story for MONTHS, that project is constantly on the brain when it comes to writing. It probably doesn’t help (or maybe it does) that I tend to listen to the Ben & Marina playlist several times a week. And as given songs play, the corresponding points in the story roll around in my head. I’m currently hung up on trying to write a scene… Keep reading…Words that come to mind…

The more you turn away…

… Apparently the only thing I am capable of writing here as of late are bulleted lists. … My sinuses are revolting again. At first I thought it was allergies. Bob’s allergies were kicking in, mine probably were too. But then there was the sore throat, the fever, and the feeling that I got hit by a truck. That lasted a few days but the sinuses have held out much longer. Neither allergy nor cold… Keep reading…The more you turn away…