Somewhere in the sands of time…

I’ve been trying to write this…scene in my current story project. It hasn’t been working out very well. It keeps coming out all awkward and wrong and it just feels weird and off. I decided to go back to an old project to where I wrote a similar (but altogether different) scenario to see how I’d written that one. It gave me a few ideas, but it still didn’t help the awkwardness of the current… Keep reading…Somewhere in the sands of time…

Swish swish stab…

It’s December 22nd (technically it’s the 23rd because it’s after midnight now, but for the sake of argument and the fact that I haven’t gone to bed yet, we’ll say it’s the 22nd and run with it). I was supposed to have my wedding thank you notes done to send out with my Christmas cards. I haven’t done either. I’m playing the ADHD card and sending them all out late. I haven’t even put up… Keep reading…Swish swish stab…

Guess I needed something new…

I had an odd dream one night last week that left me wondering if I could somehow use a piece of it in a story. It jabbed me in the side of the brain constantly for a few days and the next thing I knew, I had one of my “Never See the Light of Day” projects sitting in front of me. One of those story lines that is so ridiculous I would never let… Keep reading…Guess I needed something new…