But that one night…

Contrary to the inanity that I write here…I don’t suck at writing. That is not an easy thing for me to admit out loud. (Or in print on the internet, as the case may be.) I am the queen of self-deprecation, and depression and anxiety like to try to convince me I suck at merely existing most days. I have a difficult time saying I’m a good writer without feeling like a complete fraud. Every… Keep reading…But that one night…

Never quite ready at all…

I feel like I’m running out of time on an important deadline. I haven’t done any prep work. I am completely unprepared to even start, much less finish on time. It sounds like some sort of stress dream. Only it’s not a dream. It’s just one of the many obnoxious ways my brain manifests unexplained anxiety. I’m not actually running on any deadlines—that I know of. It’s entirely possible there’s something I need to do,… Keep reading…Never quite ready at all…

I’m drinkin’ tonight…

Not really. It’s just a Train song. (I really need to ask Bob to help me with getting the custom “now playing” field back on my posts.) Though if I actually drank I probably would be blasted right about now. But I don’t. So I’m not. Alas. Instead I’m sitting here at ungodly o’clock with a mug of tea steaming up my glasses and I’m pretty sure it’s mocking me. The anxiety pit has been… Keep reading…I’m drinkin’ tonight…

Halfway gone…

We’ve been in our house for four and a half years now. It has been a royal disaster for four and a half of those four and half years. I am not a housekeeper. Mess and filth drive me insane, but taking care of it is like utter torture. I am easily overwhelmed to the point of paralysis and little things turn into big things that turn into insurmountable things and… Mental illness for the… Keep reading…Halfway gone…

Willing to bet it…

Listing… 1.) Insomnia is a royal bitch. 2.) Every twenty-eight days, my uterus tries to kill me. This may or may not be a large contributor to list item number one. Currently, at least. The rest of the time is a mixed bag of fun. And by fun, I mean EFFFFFF Youuuuuu. 3.) Somebody told me recently that I’m young in terms of changing my mind about having kids. I’m 35. So…no. No I’m not…. Keep reading…Willing to bet it…

Twittered out…

I gave up on Facebook almost two years ago. It was getting increasingly more difficult to filter out the shit I didn’t want to see and instead of fighting with the ever-changing (largely non-functional) settings of the site, it was just easier to STOP. It was a fantastic decision. I don’t miss it in the least. Sure I have no idea what’s going on with people I actually know, but really, if they miss me… Keep reading…Twittered out…